It's Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace

Mondays - The days that have always been those long-hauling days where we hurry through the house, and then run around to reach the office on time though we do not feel like really going out of the home after a good peaceful weekend.

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed on Mondays before going to the office that you just wanted to crawl into a hole? Many of us have been there, and it's a clear sign that our workplaces need to do better when it comes to mental health.

The constant pressure, long hours, and lack of support are all taking a toll on the mental health of over 15% of the global workforce. This was reinforced by the statistics from the WHO (World Health Organization) which mentions that more than 15% of people experience depression in the workplace.

This article is an attempt to raise awareness on the same and boost you up to prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace. It emphasizes how important your mental health is, especially at the workplace, and why one must prioritize it. If you are an employer or an entrepreneur, reading this article will also help you understand how to ensure a better workplace for your employees and make things better at your organization to reap benefits such as increased productivity, quality over quantity, resource optimization, and many more.

Let’s dive in by first addressing the primary concern:

Why We Need to Focus on Mental Health at Work

Mental health, often neglected in the workplace, is a critical factor in employee well-being and overall business success. Poor mental health can have a devastating impact on employees, leading to stress, anxiety, burnout, and absenteeism. These issues not only affect individuals personally but also have significant financial consequences for organizations. To understand why we need to focus on mental health at work, here’s an elaborated version:

Stress and Anxiety

The demanding nature of modern workplaces can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety levels among employees. The constant pressure to meet deadlines, juggle multiple tasks, and perform at peak levels can take a toll on mental health, increasing the stress and anxiety levels in the employees.


Chronic stress and overwork can lead to burnout, a state of emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and decreased job performance. Employees experiencing burnout may feel overwhelmed, disengaged, and unable to cope with their responsibilities. Therefore burnout is one of the core factors why we need to focus on mental health.


Mental health issues can result in increased absenteeism, as employees may need time off to manage their symptoms or seek treatment. This can disrupt workflow, reduce productivity, and strain team morale. Or sometimes it is also possible that people often feel not coming to work because of all the various underlying factors.

Lost Productivity

Employees struggling with mental health issues may experience decreased productivity due to reduced concentration, motivation, and overall well-being. This can lead to lethargy and loss of interest in work, pushing your efficiency to the depths, while also punching back the productivity to rock bottom. All these would definitely have a huge toll on the person not just mentally but also even in the work you would love the most!

Healthcare Costs

Mental health conditions often require medical treatment, which can increase healthcare costs for both employees and employers, putting the burden on both parties. It is also an extra out-of-pocket expenditure that takes a toll on people suffering from mental health issues.

Fast-paced Environment

The increasing pace of work, driven by technological advancements and global competition, can create a stressful and demanding environment for employees. This pushes people into a vicious cycle of stress.

Long Hours

Many employees are expected to work long hours, often beyond their contracted time, which can contribute to burnout and work-life imbalance. The recent comments by the head of Infosys, Shri Narayan Murthy sparked debates across the globe where countries are moving towards 4 day week from 5 day week. Here’s what he said - “Youngsters should work 70 hours a week!” People both agreed and disagreed on this. What is your opinion on this? Scroll down and write in the comments.

Two hands bringing puzzle pieces together to enunciate the importance of teamwork at the workplace

Remote Work Challenges

While remote work offers flexibility, it can also lead to social isolation, blurred boundaries between work and personal life, and increased feelings of stress and anxiety. All these take a huge toll on your mental health. Now, you do not even understand or could demarcate if it's mental health at the workplace or mental health at home.

Most of my friends, though were initially against working from the Office, now want to work from the office as the balance between work and personal life was blurred due to the work-from-home culture. Working from home (remote work) has taken a huge toll on their mental health. It is because they feel like they almost work around 24x7. Now, they feel it would be far better to go on time to the office, work, finish their work and once the office timings are done, exit the office, detach themselves from work, come home to spend time with themselves and their family or do whatever they feel like. Thus, you can see how remote work is taking a huge toll on mental health.

What’s your take on this? Scroll down and comment below.

So remote work or work from home does have a certain negative impact on mental health and these are seen especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are reading this in the far future and not aware of how emotional changes were during a pandemic that scared the world to death in 2019-20, read this article - Emotional Changes During COVID-19 Pandemic and How To Tackle Them.

Now that you understand why we must focus on Mental Health at the workplace, let us move on to understanding how investing in Mental Health benefits you.

Why Investing in Mental Health At Workplace Is Important

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Prioritizing your well-being can have a significant impact on your job satisfaction, productivity, and overall happiness.

Feel Better, Perform Better: A Secret to a Productive Workplace

When you're mentally healthy, you're better equipped to handle good/healthy stress, focus on tasks, and maintain a positive attitude. Studies show that employees who prioritize their mental health are more productive. When you're feeling good, you're more likely to be engaged, motivated, and creative.

According to WHO, it is also noted that around 12 billion working days are lost globally every year because of people falling into depression and anxiety. This sums up to an amount of around US$ 1 trillion per year, which is lost due to not being productive. Indirect costs are - People’s lives, which no one can ever measure!

Now coming back to how good mental health leads to a productive workplace, you must understand that - “A healthy mind is a creative mind”. When you're not burdened by stress and anxiety, you're better able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Therefore, it is essential to educate employers on the importance of a healthy workplace environment and the mental health of people within the organization, especially in the creative field. Share this article if they are not listening to you.

Another important thing you must remember is that fostering open communication at the workplace makes collaborations easy while boosting creativity. Good mental health will push you towards being more social and therefore, keep you happy while you socialize.

There are a few organizations such as Lifenatphil that emphasize the power of mindfulness practices and stress management techniques. Incorporating these tools into your daily routine can improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance your overall well-being. Organizations can collaborate with such organizations and start mental health training sessions or awareness programs to help their employees manage mental health in the workplace. Contact Lifenatphil if you need any training sessions at your organization.

Builds a Strong Career

Investing in your mental health can help you build a stronger and more fulfilling career. When you're happy and healthy, you're more likely to be motivated, engaged, and committed to your work. This also helps you choose the right field where your passion lies, boosting even your life expectancy, and work-life balance, and finding joy in whatever work you do!

Once you've identified your ideal career path and joined an organization that suits your aspirations, investing in your mental health can significantly impact your career trajectory. A healthy and happy mind can lead to increased motivation, engagement, and commitment, enabling you to steadily progress in your career like a well-trained horse rather than feeling the need to constantly jump ship in search of greener pastures. By prioritizing your well-being, you're more likely to build a fulfilling and sustainable career.

Remember, your mental health is a valuable asset. By taking steps to prioritize your well-being, you're not only investing in yourself but also contributing to a healthier and more productive workplace.

Note for Employers: If you focus on your team’s mental health, it increases their engagement, creativity, and retention, boosting the overall organization’s effectiveness.

A loudspeaker icon bringing attention to the need for good mental health for a more productive workplace

Creating a Supportive Work Culture: Your Cue To First Steps

Never think that creating a healthy environment at the workplace is the employer’s responsibility alone. You can play a crucial role too in fostering a mentally healthy work environment. Here are some actionable tips to help create a supportive and inclusive culture:

Open Communication Channels

  • Speak up: Don't hesitate to express your concerns or feelings to your manager or colleagues. Open communication is essential for building trust and understanding.
  • Listen actively: When others share their experiences, listen attentively and without judgment. Show empathy and support while and after you listen to your peers.
  • Encourage feedback: Create a culture where your peers and subordinates feel comfortable providing feedback and suggestions for improvement - both personally and professionally. Show them clearly and be vocal about encouraging feedback too.

Flexible Work Arrangements

  • Request flexibility: If you're struggling with work-life balance, consider discussing flexible work arrangements with your manager or your peers first and collectively talk to your managers, or superiors. This could include options like remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. It totally depends on how well you foster relationships with your teammates as well as your managers and superiors.
  • Support others: Encourage your colleagues and the team working under you to request flexible arrangements if they need them. A supportive work environment is one where everyone feels valued and accommodated.

Stress Management Resources

  • Utilize available resources: Many workplaces offer stress management resources like mindfulness training, meditation apps, or employee assistance programs (EAPs). Take advantage of these opportunities to learn and practice stress-reduction techniques. For instance, we at Lifenatphil have the INSIGHT Circle (Individual Nurturing and Support for Improvement, Growth, Healing, and Transformation). To know more about it or implement it in your organization, comment below and we will reach out to you with the necessary resources.
  • Share resources: If you've found a helpful resource, share it with your colleagues. Creating a culture of support and sharing can benefit everyone. For example, you can definitely share this piece of content with them so that you all align with the same thought process and similar lines, making it easy for everyone in your organization.
  • Mental Health Training for Managers

    • Advocate for training: Encourage your managers to attend mental health training programs. This can help them develop the skills to recognize and address mental health concerns among their team members. If you need contact with Mental Health trainers, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or use the contact form - click here.
    • Provide feedback: If you notice that your manager is struggling to support the team's mental health, offer constructive feedback or suggestions for improvement. Iterate the importance of mental health to them using the resources of Lifenatphil. Reach out to our social media team on instagram @lifenatphil and they will help you out with it.

    Small Acts Make a Big Difference

    • Check-in on colleagues: Take the time to ask how your colleagues/peers are doing. A simple gesture of care can go a long way in fostering a supportive work environment. Asking “Hey, How are you doing?” genuinely and not just for the sake of asking it. When you genuinely ask, the person receiving it can most probably also understand the pure intentions and might feel better. However, it might also backfire if they feel too fed up with that question. Yet, they will definitely appreciate your gesture.
    • Be mindful of language: Avoid using negative or stigmatizing language when discussing mental health. Choose words that are respectful and inclusive. Every word is crucial. You never know what meaning or with what intention or perspective the other person is perceiving our messages. So be cautious of the words you use and the language you use. It might feel normal to you but might not be to the other person. So be mindful and cautious of the words you use. Try to incorporate empathy in your words.
    • Celebrate successes: Acknowledge and celebrate your team's achievements, both big and small. This can help create a positive and motivating work culture. Even small appreciations go a long way in creating an impact in a person’s life as well as the work culture as a whole.
    Two hands from different racial groups promoting a healthy work environment

    By taking these steps, you can contribute to a workplace where everyone around you feels valued, supported, and empowered to prioritize their mental health. Remember, a mentally healthy work environment benefits everyone including you. And it is in your hands to keep the work environment happy and peaceful.

    Self-Care: The Key To A Happy Workplace

    Your mental health is a priority, and it's essential to take care of yourself, especially in a demanding workplace. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain your well-being:

    • Set Your Limits: Determine what you can realistically handle and set clear boundaries between work and personal life. You have to start learning to set your limits.
    • Learn to say NO: It's okay to decline additional responsibilities if you're feeling overwhelmed. Prioritize your well-being and avoid burnout. Learn the ‘Art of telling NO’. Read our article series “Know Your Limits, Episode 3”.
    • Step away: Schedule short breaks throughout your workday to rest, recharge, and clear your mind.
    • Disconnect: During your breaks, try to disconnect from work-related activities and focus on relaxing or engaging in enjoyable activities. Go a step further and even reduce your screen time by staying away from the screen for that time.
    • Be present: Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment without judgment. This can help reduce stress and improve focus.
    • Try meditation or deep breathing: These techniques can be effective for calming your mind and reducing anxiety. You can learn the art of meditation through our article and start to learn meditating even at the workplace without much of a disturbance.
    • Take advantage of benefits: Many workplaces offer mental health resources like EAPs, counseling services, or gym memberships. Take advantage of these benefits to support your well-being. If your organization does not have one, let us know by sharing the contact email of a relevant person, and we will try reaching out to them to implement such programs at your organization.
    • Connect with others: Join employee support groups or connect with colleagues who share similar experiences. Building a support network can be invaluable. You can reach out to Lifenatphil through telegram and build a support network of your own! Comment below if you need it, and we will reply to you with the link.
    • Don't hesitate to reach out: If you're struggling with your mental health, don't hesitate to seek professional help. There's no shame in asking for support. This is the first step in you being ready to recover from the mental health issue and deal with it. Facing it will be hard, but once you do, there’s no going back in life!
    • Know your resources: Familiarize yourself with the mental health resources available to you, both within your workplace and in your community. Lifenatphil is one such good place that offers many resources to you.

    To Conclude…

    Prioritizing mental health in the workplace isn't just a buzzword – it's a necessity for a thriving and productive environment; and the need of the hour!

    It must also be noted that, in the majority of countries, mental health is still not considered a major health concern, and is often ignored. Thanks to the recent awareness programs, it is slowly growing importance of mental health among people across the globe, and organizations including Lifenatphil are playing a crucial role in achieving the same.

    By creating a supportive culture, taking care of ourselves, and advocating for change, we can all contribute to a more positive and healthy work experience.


    • You are not alone. Many others in your workplace may be facing similar challenges.
    • Together, we can make a difference. Talk to your colleagues, managers, and HR about prioritizing mental health initiatives.
    • Knowledge is power. Explore resources like to learn more about mental health and self-care strategies.

    Let's work together to create workplaces where everyone feels empowered to thrive, both personally and professionally!

    Share this blog with your network to spread awareness about the importance of mental health at work. Together, we can create a positive shift.

    Have any thoughts? Comment below and we will respond to you!


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  1. This article is informative & enriches my knowledge on importance of effective utilisation of workspaces. I would like to add one additional point for the framework- creating spaces for different activities can train a brain to adopt with the place. For example Playground for playing- if a person work's on his laptop on playground it won't serve the purpose of playground right. Likewise creating spaces for the work allotted ensures effective utilisation of workspaces.

  2. Creating workspaces is quite difficult but by create spaces for different activities can train your brain that this is a place for work.

    For example let's say you are working on laptop in a playground.It won't serve the purpose of playground right. Playground is for playing. Instead of play if I work in play ground it won't serve the purpose of playground.

  3. Excellent article that addresses a very crucial and relevant issue.


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