Mother Nature has given us prescription that would make you live healthy and stay fit forever, even in these COVID times. One only has to understand her guidelines to lead a contented life happily and joyfully!
Did you ever wonder how an animal heals by itself? We, humans, go to a doctor and take medicines even if we fall a little bit sick. On the other side, there are animals and trees in the Wild, which do not go to any doctor if they get ill. They heal by themselves. The touch of humans in the wild has destroyed and completely disturbed their ecosystem. Even then, the animals learned to survive and evolve. You can read our article on how animals have evolved here - How Animals Evolved To Live Alongside Humans How Animals Evolved To Live Alongside Humans
Now, secondly, let us understand what prescription does Mother Nature give us to heal ourselves?
YES, She does and here we are with an interesting article that also helps you to take up your NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS! To read the full article, Click Here
Mother Nature's FREE THERAPY!
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Two favorite places - One on Mother's Lap and the other on Mother Nature's Lap.
The peaceful lap of mother nature. Her teachings are indeed beautiful. Protect mother nature 🌱❤️
The peaceful lap of mother nature. Her teachings are indeed beautiful. Protect mother nature 🌱❤️
In 2005, the United Nations launched the Water for Life Decade to help create a greater awareness of the need to better care for our water resources. Following this, the establishment of World Rivers Day was in response to a proposal initiated by internationally renowned river advocate, Mark Angelo.
The proposal for a global event to celebrate rivers was based on the success of BC Rivers Day, which Mark Angelo had founded and led in western Canada since 1980. A World Rivers Day event was seen by agencies of the UN as a good fit for the aims of the Water for Life Decade and the proposal was approved. River enthusiasts from around the world came together to organize the inaugural WRD event. That first event in 2005 was a great success and Rivers Day was celebrated across dozens of countries. Since then, the event has continued to grow. It is annually celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every September. Last year, several million people in up to 100 countries celebrated the many values of our waterways. - Source -
Go ahead and read the article.
#nature #environment #lifenatphil #environment
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