Pregnancy is a very complicated and a complex process where each mother is unique in the conditions she goes through. Remember my dear lady, every 'body type' is different. So do not compare yourself with the other mothers although it is good to know their conditions as you can find few commonalities which can make you feel comfortable. Be sure to check with the doctor if you have any doubts instead of procrastinating. We have mentioned at the end of this blog, when to visit the doctor.
There are many things that women are worried about, when they are pregnant. The care they have to take now is not just themselves but also for the baby inside them. A mother feels attached to the baby right from when it is in the womb and she wants her baby to receive everything and be healthy.
Many women have many misconceptions about various things like what to eat, what can I do and what I cannot do. There are many neighborhood ladies and the relatives who give valuable tips. Here we are trying to summarize all such tips for your convenience at one place.
If you have any doubts regarding any point in this, please feel free to comment and we will respond to your query as soon as possible with the help of a gynecologist.
So, let us see What to do and what not to do!
Everyone enjoys eating food. This is high-time than ever to have a healthy diet full of all the nutrients on your plate for you and your growing baby.
Now you're technically "eating for two" now, and the average woman needs to take in the
First Trimester - 1800 Calories per Day
Second Trimester - 2200 Calories per Day
Third Trimester - 2400 Calories Per Day
Here are few foods, you should avoid during pregnancy
- High mercury fish
- Under-cooked, raw, and processed meat
- Caffeine
- Raw sprouts
- Unpasteurized Milk
- Papaya
As already discussed how difficult it is for a women to not to be worried about pregnancy care, the crucial time is during their first trimester, mostly about complications involved in pregnancy. If something is bothering you, take the time to observe yourself and understand the signs and symptoms of the potential problems which you might be aware of, but try not to focus on your fear, instead consult the doctor.
When to consult Doctor? - Click here to know more.
I know it is easier to say than do, but you are a strong women my dear. You can Do it!
Have a Positive mind set and always be optimistic. It is healthy for you and your Baby.
My dear lady, remember, it is not a sprint. It is a marathon. A marathon of nine months which is a long journey to be traveled. You should not feel like you need to be fully prepared for Baby's arrival right now. You get enough time to plan things. So do not forget to care for yourself too. Self-care is utmost important because only when you are happy, the baby inside also feels happy and gives him / her energy.
Prior Care
If you're pregnant or thinking to get pregnant, you most probably would be aware of some of the basic pregnancy advice regarding taking care of yourself and the baby, few of which are - don't smoke or be around second-hand smoke, don't drink, and take rest.
Work Out
A good metabolism is crucial for your health during these times. Little exercise can for sure help you reduce both mental and physical stress, control your weight, improve blood circulation, boost your emotional health, and help you have a proper sleep.
You can choose either a pregnancy exercise class or have a nice cheerful walk with the other mothers for at least 15-20 minutes every day at a moderate pace, in cool, shaded areas, or indoors to prevent overheating.
Track Your Weight Gain:
Pounds: lbs |
Before being pregnant, if you were… |
You should put on |
Underweight BMI less than 18.5 |
12-18 kilograms |
Normal Weight BMI 18.5-24.9 |
11-16 kilograms |
Overweight BMI 25.0-29.9 |
7-11 kilograms |
Obese BMI greater than or equal to 30.0 |
5-9 kilograms |
For Women Pregnant with Twins
Before being pregnant, if you were… |
You should put on |
Underweight BMI less than 18.5 |
23-28 kilograms* |
Normal Weight BMI 18.5-24.9 |
17-24 kilograms |
Overweight BMI 25.0-29.9 |
14-23 kilograms |
BMI greater thanor equal to 30.0 |
11-19 kilograms |
*Not the recommendation from Insitute of Medicine but from Luke B, Hediger ML, Nugent C, Newman RB, Mauldin JG, Witter FR, et al. Body mass index-specific weight gains associated with optimal birth weights in twin pregnancies. J Reprod Med. 2003; 48:217–24. |
Drink More Water
During pregnancy, your baby receives oxygen and nutrients with the help of blood through the placenta and similarly it carries away the waste and carbon dioxide. This gives you a clear picture that your blood volume might increase up to fifty percent in order to handle all this extra activity of the baby along with your own body's activities.
Therefore, you need to supply your body with more water to increase the blood volume.
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